Filipino Christmas Decorations (Parol)



Philippine Lantern or “Parol” is a star lantern with dazzling colorful lights especially at night. The bamboo parol (pah-role), or star lantern, is the symbol of Christmas in the Philippines, representing the guiding light, the star of Bethlehem.   It emits a warmth unparalleled among holiday adornments and is unique to the Philippines. Filipinos enjoy decorating their homes not only with star lanterns but also with all sorts of Christmas decors.  Brightly colored buntings or streamers are hung inside and out.  Often, Christmas cards that illustrate  scenes in the Philippines are pinned on  red and green ribbons.  The cards are then hung in the sala, or living room, for all to enjoy. Candles and wreaths are also common adornments.  Recently, Filipinos have begun choosing wreaths and other decorations made with local native materials rather than those patterned after western designs.  And many houses, particularly those in the urban areas are strung with tiny multi-colored lights both inside and out. Most Filipinos think that decorating their homes for the Christmas holidays is a must.

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